Robert Breaker Website

Course #1 Dispensations:

  1. Code Breaker Website
  2. Robert Breaker Website

Sermon for Sunday, September 1, 2019 preached in English on, by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, in which he shows what God demands. This includes: 1. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Complete List of Books By Robert Breaker III. BACK TO HOMEPAGE: The following books are in printable form. Permission is given to copy and publish these works FREE OF CHARGE, as long as the text is not changed in any way. Each of these books is available in printed form, and can be ordered from BREAKER'S PUBLICATIONS. 9/8/2019 working on new website. 9/15/2019 still working on new website. 9/22/2019 when there's ruts in your yard. 9/29/2019 tossed with wind of doctrine. 10/6/2019 message that changed the world. Verses against sin. Why a pre-trib rapture. Traveling in arkansas. 11/3/2019 funerals are just so sad! By Robert Breaker III. Copyright 2009. The following has been designed to be 'printer friendly.' So please feel free to print the entire thing and read it through! Why We Left Our Old Home Church. It is with much prayer, fasting, patience, and carefulness that I write this.

Required Books: Dispensational Truth & Rightly Dividing the Word by Clarence Larkin

Sermon 1 Understanding Dispensationalism Part 1 & Part 2” by Bryan Denlinger

Sermon 2 Seven Biblical Dispensations by Greg Miller

Sermon 3 Dispensations in the Bible by Robert Breaker

Course #2 The word of God

Required books (All by Dr. Peter Ruckman):

  • Why I Believe The King James Bible is the Word of God
  • A Survey of the Authorized Version
  • The Monarch of the Books

The inspired, infallible King James Bible part 1 & part 2 by Greg Miller

Why the King James Bible is the pure word of God I: part 1 & part 2 by John Albaugh

Why the King James Bible is the pure word of God II: part 1 & part 2 by John Albaugh

Course #3 Salvation

Biblical Salvation part 1 & part 2 by Greg Miller

What is TRUE biblical salvation? by Bryan Denlinger

The Gospel of Salvation by Robert Breaker

Course #4 Pauline Doctrine

Eternal Security by Robert Breaker

What is the Church by Robert Breaker

The Church Age by Bryan Denlinger

The Judgment Seat of Christ by Bryan Denlinger

The biblical doctrine of the Blood Atonement by Robert Breaker

The Doctrine of Justification by Faith by Robert Breaker

The Doctrine of Imputation by Robert Breaker

Baptism by Robert Breaker

Repentance Unto Salvation part 1 & part 2 by Greg Miller

Communion part 1 & part 2 by Mike Kahler

Course #5 The Rapture

What Bible Verse Teaches The Pre-Tribulation Rapture part 1 & part 2 by Greg Miller

The Pre-tribulation Rapture by Bryan Denlinger

The Rapture by Robert Breaker

PreTrib Rapture Scriptures in:

Course #6 The End Times

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb part 1 & part 2 by Bryan Denlinger

The End Times Series by Robert Breaker:

The Millennial Kingdom part 1 & part 2 by Bryan Denlinger

Course #7 God

Who is Jesus? by Robert Breaker

Types of Christ in the Bible by Robert Breaker

The Trinity by Bryan Denlinger

The Gospel by Robert Breaker

The Importance of the Resurrection by Robert Breaker

Introducing Jesus by Greg Miller

Trinitarian Oneness by Greg Miller part 1 & part 2

Section 2 Bible Book Studies

Old Testament

Expository Study of Genesis by Greg Miller

The Psalms Studies by Greg Miller

Expository Study of Psalm 119 by Bryan Denlinger

New Testament

Matthew 24 Expository study by Bryan Denlinger

Matthew 24 Explained by Robert Breaker

Mark study by Greg Miller

Luke (TBA)

John (TBA)

Acts (TBA)

Romans study by Robert Breaker

1 Corinthians study by Robert Breaker

Galatians study by Pastors:

Ephesians study by Pastors:

Philippians study by Robert Breaker

Colossians study by Robert Breaker

1 Thessalonians study by Robert breaker

2 Thessalonians study by:

1 Timothy study by Pastors:

2 Timothy study by Pastors:

Titus study by Pastors:

Philemon study by Pastors:

Revelation study by Bryan Denlinger

Section 3 Topical Bible Studies

Course #1 The Two Kingdoms by Robert Breaker

Course #2 The 7 Covenants by Robert Breaker

Course #3 The 7 Gospels by Robert Breaker

Course #4 The New Testament vs. the New Covenant by Greg Miller

Course #5 Bible Numerics by Robert Breaker

Course #5 Satan by Bryan Denlinger

Course #6 Hell by Bryan Denlinger

Course # 7 Standing & State by Robert Breaker

Course #8 Why I Am NOT a Calvinist by Robert Breaker

Course #9 The Underworld by Robert Breaker

Course #10 Wrongly Dividing by Robert Breaker

Section 4 Educational Topics

Course #1Music

  • The Power and Principles of Music by James Melton
  • Religious Rock by Alan Yusko & Ed Prior
  • The Christian History of Music MP3 Audio CD by Peter Ruckman
  • Music for Good or Evil 5-DVD set by David Cloud

Course #2The Occult

Required Book: Kingdom of the Occult by Walter Martin

Sermons: Witchcraft: Defined, explained, and exposed by Katherine Denlinger

part 1, part 2, part 3

Course #3The New World Order

The Money Masters – Documentary Film by Bill Still

Required books:

  • The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
  • Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen
  • Naked Capitalist by W. Cleon Skousen
  • Satan’s New World Order by James Melton

Course #4House Churches


Sermons by Bryan Denlinger:

  • House Church FAQ part 1, part 2, part 3
  • Independent Fundamental Baptist Catholicism part 1, part 2, part 3

Course #5Evangelism


  • Be Prepared by Thomas Heinz
  • The Soul-Winner’s Handy Guide by Y. T. Wee

How to lead a soul to Jesus Christ by Robert Breaker

How to have courage witnessing by Bryan Denlinger

Course #6Cults


  • The Bible Believer’s Handbook of Heresies by James Melton
  • Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
  • Find It Quick: Handbook on Cults & New Religions by Ron Rhodes

Course #7 World Religions

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cults, Sects, and World Religions. Edited by George Mather, Larry A. Nichols, Alvin J Schmidt.

Course #8Roman Catholicism

Required books:

  • The Two Babylons by Alex Hislop
  • Smokescreens by Jack Chick
  • The History of Romanism by John Dowling

Course #9The Jesuits

Seminars by Eric John Phelps:

Required books:

  • Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris
  • The Black Pope by M.F. Cusack
  • The Vatican’s Holocaust by Avro Manhattan

Course #10 Apologetics

Required books:

  • The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics by Ed Hindson and Ergun Caner

(All by Josh McDowell)

  • The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict
  • More Than A Carpenter
  • A Ready Defense

Course #11 Creation vs. Evolution

Required Books:

  • The Evolution Handbook by Vance Farrell
  • The Long War Against God by Dr. Henry Morris
  • Scientific Creationism by Dr. Henry Morris
  • The New Answers Book (4 Vol. Box Set) by Ken Ham
  • Science & the Bible by Dr. Henry Morris

Course #12 Church History

Required Books:

  • History of the Waldenses by J.A. Wylie
  • Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by John Foxe
  • History of the Baptists Vol. 1-2 by Thomas Armitage
  • History of the New Testament Church by Peter Ruckman

Course #13 The United States of America

The Communist Takeover of America by Robert Breaker

America: Imagine The World Without Her DVD by Dinesh D’Souza

Agenda: Grinding America Down Documentary by Curtis Bowers

  • America in Crimson Red by James R. Beller
  • How Satan Turned America against God
  • As America Has Done to Israel by John McTernan
  • 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
  • What Hath God Wrought by Bill Grady

  • How Satan Turned America Against God by William Grady

Section 5 Israel & The Jews

Course #1 Hebrew

Lectures by Rabbi Mordechai Kraft

  • Secrets Of The Hebrew Language Part 1 & Part 2

Course #2Israel

Required Books:

  • The Restoration of Israel by Peter Ruckman
  • The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Antisemitism by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
  • The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz


Israel On Location: A Biblical Study of the History, Covenants, and People of Israel – Documentary Video by Pastor Chuck Smith

The Middle East Problem by Dennis Prager

Israel’s Legal Founding by Alan Dershowitz

The Israeli Flag by Bryan Denlinger

Section 6 The King James Bible

Course #1 The History of the English Bible

Required Texts:

  • The Glorious History of the English Bible by David Cloud – The history of English Bibles from Wycliffe to King James.
  • An Understandable History of the Bible by Dr. Sam Gipp – Tracing the Bible from its inspiration to the KJV.
  • Rome and the Bible by David Cloud – The history of the Catholic Church’s attempts to destroy the Bible.

DVD Documentaries by Chris Pinto:

  • A Lamp in the Dark – The History of the King James Bible.
  • Tares Among the Wheat – The Modern Attacks on the KJV.
  • Bridge to Babylon – New Versions & ecumenism.

Course #2 The Translation of the KJV

Required Texts:

  • King James: His Bible And Its Translators by Laurence Vance – The gritty details of the translation process.
  • The Translators Revived by Alexander McClure – The extraordinary men who translated the KJV.

Course #3 Scholarly works on the KJV

Required books: (All authors Dr. Jack Moorman; except when noted)

  • Forever Settled – The definitive textual history of the Bible.
  • Early Manuscripts, Church Fathers and the Authorized Version with Manuscript Digests and Summaries – About how the early manuscripts along with the Church Fathers attest to the integrity of the KJV.
  • 8,000 Differences Between the N.T. Greek Words of the King James Bible and the Modern Versions – Shows the difference between the Alexandrian and Antioch Greek texts.
  • When The KJV Departs From The “Majority” Text – A comparison of the differences between the “Majority” text and the Textus Receptus.
  • Causes of Corruption of the New Testament Text by Dean John Burgon – The real reasons for the corruption of the preserved New Testament Greek.

Course #4 Textual defense of the KJV

  • Differences in the KJV editions by Peter Ruckman
  • Dictionary of the King James Language V. 1-2 by Steven J. White
  • Archaic words and the Authorized Version by Laurence M. Vance
  • Given By Inspiration: A Multifaceted Study on the A.V. 1611 with Contemporary Analysis by William Grady

Course #5 Attacks & Defense of the KJV

Attacks on the KJV:

  • The King James Only Controversy by James R. White
  • The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism by D. A. Carson
  • The Facts on the King James Only Debate by John Ankerberg

Defense of the KJV:

All books by Peter Ruckman

  • The Scholarship Only Controversy – Refutation of James R. White
  • The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence – Ruckman’s greatest defense of the KJV.
  • The Christian’s Handbook of Biblical Scholarship – Expanded detail of the manuscript evidence for the KJV.
  • Errors in the KJV – Reference of all purported errors in the KJV and their refutation.

Course #6 New Version Corruptions

New Versions Are Vatican Versions Documentary by Greg Miller

Required Books:

  • Look What’s Missing! by David Daniels – List of over 200 affected verses in new versions.
  • Which Bible Would Jesus Use? by Jack McElroy – Jesus’ perspective of the Bible version issue.
  • Answers To Your Bible Version Questions – An discussion of common claims against the KJV and new version mistakes.

Course #7 Other Notable Books:

  • One Book Stands Alone by Doug Stauffer
  • One Book One Authority by Doug Stauffer
  • Final Authority by William Grady
  • Answer Book by Sam Gipp
  • Did the Catholic Church Give us the Bible? by David Daniels
  • Why They Changed the Bible by David Daniels

Section 7 Pastoral studies

Course #1 Dispensational Theology


  • Theological Studies Vol. 1-2 by Peter Ruckman
  • Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin
  • Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by C. I. Scofield

DVD Videos:

  • Search for Absolute Truth (4 DVD Set) by Peter Ruckman
  • Theological Seminar of the Air MP3 Audio by Peter Ruckman

Code Breaker Website

Course #2 Pastoral Teaching

God’s Qualifications for Ministry part 1 & part 2 by Bryan Denlinger

How to Prepare Sermons by Bryan Denlinger

Robert Breaker Website


  • How to Teach Dispensational Truth by Peter Ruckman
  • How to Teach the “Original” Greek by Peter Ruckman
  • How to Teach the Bible by Peter Ruckman
  • The Great Doctrines of the Bible by William Evans

Course #3 Commentaries (In order of importance)

Note: Read this article by Pastor David Cloud on the use of commentaries.

  1. The Bible Believer’s Commentary Series by Peter Ruckman (26 Volumes)
  2. The Concise Bible Commentary by James M. Gray
  3. Thru the Bible by J. Vernon McGee (5 Volumes)
  4. The Ironside Expository Commentaries by H. A. Ironside
  5. The Complete Matthew Henry Commentary Series (6 Volumes)

No matter how much study the Bible student does, Satan continuously invents new heresies and movements to confuse and derail the Christian in his service of the Lord. That is why every Christian must be a diligent student of the KJV Bible. Whether you be a new Christian or a mature one, if anyone says something like “the Bible says…” simply ask “chapter & verse please”? Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Best materials for personal Bible study:

  1. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong
  2. The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by R. A. Torrey
  3. The Believer’s Bible Dictionary by David Cloud
  4. Swordsearcher (premium software program)
  5. e-sword (free software program).