Kim Clement Trump
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Remember The Prophecies Of Late Kim Clement (473 Views) Onitsha Church On A Prayer Walk For Trump (Pictures & Video) / Prophet Wale Olagunju 2019 Prophecies About Nigeria, Saraki, Buhari, Agbaje / See 50 Prophecies Of Apostle Suleiman 2019/2020 (2) (3) (4). WASHINGTON – Kim Clement was known as the “singing prophet” before he died Nov. 23, just 15 days after Donald Trump shocked many by winning the presidency. But if recordings of Clement’s predictions are accurate accounts of what he reportedly said in appearances in 2007, he.
- Kim Clement Trumpet
- Kim Clement Trump Gates
- Kim Clement Trump 2020
- Kim Clement Trump 2nd Term
- Kim Clement Trump Wall
- Kim Clement Trump Prophecy
Kim Clement's prophetic utterances from years ago in 'code' form regarding Donald Trump and Malaysian Jet MH370, which went missing in March of 2014, contain an important message for the Body of Christ right now. Donald Trump Two Terms USA President Prophecy. This is prophecy of Donald Trump two terms in office as United States president as revealed to me in December 2016. On May 2016, Jesus Christ revealed Donald Trump is the president of United States and the God’s Will Donald Trump will accomplish. See Donald Trump Presidency Prophecy.
Kim Clement was born and raised in Africa and is known as the singing prophet because he sings while prophesying (rock music). Clement was confirmed as a prophet by Bill Hamon, a self-proclaimed prophet who does not believe that prophets need to be accurate all the time.
The following is a collection of Kim Clement's false prophecies including the terrorist attack in NY on September 11, 2001, and the date of the capture of Osama Bin Laden as well as Kim Clement admitting he is a false prophet.
Many claim that Kim's prophecy about Trump being president means he's a true prophet, however, even Hillary Clinton said he would be a great president many years before he even thought of running for president. Does that make Clinton a prophet? True prophets don't make mistakes, especially like those found below:
(False teacher/prophet quotes are in purple and indented, my
comments are in plain text and scripture is in teal. False teachers rarely use scripture. I have only included those portions I intend to comment on.)

Kim Clement's False Prophecy of the 9/11 Terrorist attack in NY
There is a video of Kim speaking this prophecy on YouTube but because there was so much background noise his son Donne has since transcribed the video here: ( Clement's Prophecy spoken on 7-25-96:
I'M ALIVE by Celine Dion, is a bit of a change for her. She does not do too many fast-paced, upbeat songs like this one. Her voice is excellent, and actually better for the slower songs, but she really comes through on this one. You can't help be feel ready to go out and conquer the world (a small one) after listening to this song. It's the 2nd track from Celine's latest 'A New day has come'. I'm alive is the Stuart Little 2 Soundtrack in which Celine gives you her usual great vocal performance. Celine's has the best voice ever and is one of the most talented musicians ever. I'm alive is something for Alanis' 'Precious Illusions' fans as well as Dido's 'Thank you' fans. Waptrick Download Celine Dion Im Alive Mp3. Download free Waptrick Celine Dion songs from music download site. Listen Im Alive Mp3 and download free Celine Dion mp3 albums from Celine pendant la fureur de Celine. I am alive celine dion.
'There has been a terrorist act and there will be another. For the spirit of the Lord says, “America will retaliate, but God says, even as they retaliate with natural weapons of war and they say, we will go the place of the East and we will go and we will bring them down for what they did to our people as they flew in the air over Long Island.'
Notice that there was no mention of the twin towers going down or 3000 people killed in this so-called prophecy, only that 'a plane flew over Long Island'. In fact there were 4 planes involved. Two planes hit the Twin Towers in New York, one hit the Pentagon and the other was deliberately crashed because the heroic passengers believed it was heading for the White House.
Steve Lumbley, of Apostasy Watch, has an alternate explanation for what terrorist attacks Kim Clement was referring to in his article Kim Clement Did not Predict 9-11 He also references a map of the flight paths of the Hijacked planes on September 11, 2001 showing they didn't fly over Long Island, either.
Kim Clement Trumpet
'Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have goine out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Another False Prophecy Exposed about the 9-11 attack in NY
Here is another prophecy by Kim Clement where others claim that he accurately predicted 9-11: (see page 155). This was prophecy given on Saturday, April 20, 1996 (5 years before the NY disaster), at New Life Christian Church, Southgate, MI, where he supposedly predicted the NY Terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. I have shown reasons why this is not true including scripture that disagrees with these claims.

New York City, consumed by a spirit that has even taken hold of the people and caused greed. Tonight the Spirit of the Lord says my Spirit is about to burn so strongly that it will cause a fire to take place and the fire will burn everything that has no been born of my Spirit. . . And God says, righteousness will prevail. I will take every dividing racial spirit and I will destroy it. I will take the cultural demons that have caused people to separate themselves and I will do something that is so mighty that it will be spoken of by people on the West Coast, says the Spirit of the Lord!

- Was 'everything' of an evil spirit in NY city burned on 9/11 or just the twin towers?
- Was it only unbelievers who died in the fire or also those 'born of my spirit'?
- Were all those who hate other ethnic groups in NY destroyed in the Twin Tower collapse?
- Is there still a racial spirit in NY?
- Was the separation of people's cultural beliefs mended?
The only mending that has been seen since this prophecy was spoken in 1996 is in the form of ecumenicalism> (unity for the sake of peace, i.e., Rick Warren joining with Muslims, Billy Graham promoting the Catholic Church, etc.,) which is not of God. Was this truly a prophecy from God, or man?
Kim Clement Trump Gates
'If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has NOT spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.'(Deut. 18:22)
Lori Eldridge
Copyright © September 29, 2001. Updated February 10-25-2020
False Prophet Kim Clement Exposed
Kim Clement's False Prophecy about Osama Ben Laden being captured in 35 days from a prophecy he gave on 1-12-04
'Talk about stepping out, in Utica, NY, for those of you who don't know anything about my ministry, the Lord has given me very, very clear words about political things that have come to pass, very clear. We've had the Secret Service visit me a number of times and investigate because of these prophecies. They are more interested and they have interpretations for this that I and the church didn't even think about.'
'Osama Ben Laden said that in 35 days, America, he was prophesying, predicting, that this country would be abolished basically, wiped out, because he has a plan for 35 days. And the word of the Lord came to me. the spirit of the Lord said to me, 'You prophesy that the very thing that he said and predicted for this nation, tell him, prophesy, that that is reversed, and I'm going to bring him [Osama Ben Laden] out in 35 days!' '(Kim Clement on TBN 1-12-04' and )
So here we have a so-called prophecy by Kim Clement, proven false on February 16 when Osama Ben Laden was not captured 35 days after Jan 12, 2004. In fact he wasn't captured until May 1, 2011, i.e. over 7 year later.
Lori Eldridge
Copyright © February 24, 2004 - Updated 10-25-2020.
Chuck Missler and Kim Clement
There is a rumor going around that Chuck Missler has 'partnered' up with Kim Clement so I went searching and found a video of Chuck Missler discussing how Kim Clement contacted Chuck and humbly saying he (Kim) realized he had been in error and had taught a lot of things that are not true about eschatology (study of the endtimes) and anxious to repair his errors. Chuck was impressed by his sincerity and integrity.
Kim Clement Trump 2020
Kim Admits to Making False Prophecies
April 15, 2004, Kim apologized to his own congregation admitting he had been teaching them wrong in the area of prophetic issues. Chuck Missler was impressed by his sincerity and integrity. Chuck made it clear that he now considers Kim a friend, HOWEVER, he is NOT promoting Kim Clement's ministry or his doctrines. This message used to be posted on his own website but was later removed and is not available on either, which is strange.
If this is indeed true that Kim Clement is no longer claiming to be a prophet then I will add more information to this article at that time. He won't be the first prophet to repent of his errors as Mark Wattenford has done so also.
Being as Kim Clement died on 11-20-16 from a brain tumor. I hope he truly repented from his errors before he died.
For those who claim that you should not speak against an 'anointed prophet': According to scripture we are COMMANDED to judge the teachings of others and name names. For more information check out Judging Others
Lori Eldridge
Copyright © February 24, 2004 - Updated 10-25-2020.
Kim Clement Trump 2nd Term
Other websites exposing the false prophecies of Kim Clement:
Kim Clement Trump Wall
- This site exposes Kim Clement as a A New Age 'Prophet' and shows where his doctrinal beliefs are wrong including his belief on salvation: 'I do not believe you must be born again to obtain salvation'. He covers Kim's Biography and how he started his prophetic ministry and lists several of Clement's false prophecies.
- The site, Apostasy Watch has several critiques of Kim Clement's failed prophecies
- Check out this facebook group discussing False Prophet Kim Clement called Kim Clement Exposed
- This site has a long list of videos and articles exposing Kim Clement's false prophecies
- Watch this video from a Kim Clement Concert in 1997 on TBN, was he calling up demon spirits with the use of pentegrams.
Kim Clement Trump Prophecy