Conscious Daughters Gamers

Gamers The Conscious Daughters. We Roll Deep (Smooth Radio Remix) The Conscious Daughters. Shitty Situation The Conscious Daughters. Gamers The Conscious Daughters. We Roll Deep (Smooth Radio Remix) The Conscious Daughters. Shitty Situation The Conscious Daughters. Showdown The Conscious Daughters. She's So Tight The Conscious Daughters. Crazybitchmadness The Conscious Daughters. All Caught Up The Conscious Daughters.

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The Conscious Daughters
OriginEast Oakland, California, United States
GenresHip hop
Years active1992–2011
LabelsScarface Records/Priority, Guerilla Funk Records/EMI Llerrad Music Group
Associated actsParis, Public Enemy, Thug Life
Past members
Carla 'CMG' Green
Karryl 'Special One' Smith

The Conscious Daughters (TCD) was an American female rap duo from the Bay Area, California, United States, consisting of Carla 'CMG' Green and the late Karryl 'Special One' Smith. The duo signed in 1993 to Paris's record label, Scarface Records, after passing him a demo tape at a club. He released their first studio album, Ear to the Street.[1]

The single and video release of their 1994 hit single, Somethin' to Ride To (Fonky Expedition), helped TCD gain national recognition. Soon after, they were signed by Priority/EMI Records and released their second album, Gamers. Many collaborations, projects and television appearances followed, most notably Rap City, MTVJams, and Soul Train.[2]

In 2007, Nas released the track Where Are They Now (West Coast Remix) which featured Breeze, Kam, King Tee, Candyman, Threat, Ice-T, Sir Mix-A-Lot and TCD.[3]

Their third album, The Nutcracker Suite,[4] was released on Guerilla Funk Records on February 10, 2009. In 2010, TCD severed their relationship with Guerrilla Funk Records, and in 2011 they signed a distribution deal with Phaseone/Sony.

On December 10, 2011, Smith was found dead at her home. Initially, the cause of death was unknown, but it was eventually determined to be from complications associated with blood clots that reached her lungs.[5][6][7][2][8]

  • 1Discography



  • 1993: Ear to the Street
  • 1996: Gamers
  • 2009: The Nutcracker Suite
  • 2011: The Jane of All Trades (CMG)


Conscious Daughters Gamers
  • 'Somethin' to Ride To (Fonky Expedition)'
  • 'We Roll Deep'
  • 'Sticky Situation'
  • 'Gamers'


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External links

  • The Conscious Daughters at Allmusic
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Below are two uplifting the first by Jenny Schiltz, Jenny tells us through her own experiences in life how manifesting things in life works best when we are in alignment with our soul...and in the second article by Ann Albers, Ann gives us some useful pointers on how we can stay on a path of Love even when we are dealing with the most negative people.

Enjoy both with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


Many of us have been working on our manifestation abilities as part of stepping into our power. At times it may seem as if things just flow to us and other times it feels like what we are projecting and doing everything we can and get NOTHING. It can be really frustrating and often times we go into self-depreciation, removing ourselves from the flow, our highest source frequency.

Over the past few years, one of the main things that I had been working diligently on manifesting was my desire to teach, write and travel. I want to see the entire world, feel the energy of all these amazing places and hold workshops. In some ways I was manifesting perfectly the teaching and writing part, but the travel was missing.

I asked to be shown what I was not understanding regarding the manifestation of travel in my life one night prior to bed. One of the tools that has helped me greatly on this journey is setting an intention when I go to sleep to be shown what I am missing, what blocks I may have and even what next steps to take. Understand that when setting the intention prior to sleep it may not happen right away that you receive answers in your dreams. Have patience, what you need to know will come to you at the right time for you to understand and process the information. I do have a few clients that do not dream and for those clients I say ask to be shown what you may be missing, where you are holding resistance or where your next steps will lead in your waking moments. Spirit will oblige, we just have to remain present and aware to see the messages.

So I went to sleep with the intention of receiving greater understanding and clarity and to say spirit obliged is an understatement. I dreamed that my family traveled to India for a woman’s symposium on the rape culture that predominates so much of our world. On the way home in the airport my three daughters ages 21, 18, and 7 went ahead to get some food prior to boarding. My husband and I were nailing down arrangements when I threw a paper away that it turned out I needed. I reached into the trashcan and was immediately surrounded by police who claimed that my husband and I planted a bomb. We were held in custody but my children were allowed to leave. Fast forward 3 years, my husband and I were finally being released. My family was waiting at the airport and while I was ecstatic to see them, I felt so sad. My little one was now 10, she had changed so much as had the older girls as they were forced to take on the responsibility of their sister. Everything had changed. It was gut wrenching.

I sat up in bed just sobbing and frankly a little pissed. What was I being shown and why? I calmed myself, centered and spoke to my highest aspect who simply asked “What upset you so much about this dream?” I replied that I it was that I had missed so much, especially in the little one’s life. I missed school events, soccer games, sleepovers, birthdays and holidays. I told her that I didn’t want to miss a thing. That these years with my children are precious and I already understood how fast they go as they flew with my older two. She then explained that my wish to travel and teach workshops is a good one but that the time to pursue that with abandon is not now.

My soul knew that if I had manifested exactly what I was intending that I would have not been happy… I would have missed too much. The weight of this settled over me like a lead blanket. Thank God I didn’t get all that I had sent out to the universe for it would have left me unhappy and empty. Yes I could have begun to travel, realized it wasn’t the right time and changed course, but spirit was saving me that heart ache.

It was then that I understood truly that manifestation occurs only when what we want is in alignment with the soul. That while the human may think that they want to go down a particular path that it is in their best interest, the soul may know different. Think of the soul as a spotter during a Nascar race. The driver sees things from their perspective which is limited as they can only react to what is in front of them. They don’t realize that there is debris on the track after the next turn or that a major wreck just happened changing everything. This is where the spotter comes in, they are stationed up high so that they can see the entire track. They are in constant contact with the driver providing guidance of the road ahead.

Your soul is much like that Nascar spotter. Our job is to create and maintain the open channel of communication with our highest aspect. We each have our own way of receiving communication, but what all the ways have in common is the need to be present, aware and trusting. The trusting part can be hard because the human can get really wrapped up in ideas and wants. I really, really want to travel and teach, but the time is not now, at least not in the scope I had envisioned. If I had continued manifesting that reality I would have been shown in other ways that it is not in my highest good at this time. We have free will at all times and this makes things very interesting for all parties involved. It’s the biggest improvisation in the galaxy. Our soul may be trying to communicate that if we go down a particular road it would not be in the highest good at this time. Yet if we don’t listen and plow down that path anyway, the soul then set things up, (events, loss, contracts with others etc.) to help show us where the choice isn’t in alignment with our purest aspect. So we learn, grow and adjust our course. This is why there are no mistakes, even when we go off the intended course, we are still growing and learning, even if the lesson is to simply learn that it is ok to change your mind.

As we merge with our soul, which happens in layers, it’s not uncommon to find that your goals and dreams change. They can change in small ways and huge ones, our job is to allow ourselves the freedom to change without judgement or feeling that we have failed. Ten years ago my dream was to open a farm where at risk youth could work with animals and receive true unconditional love from them. I bought the land and within 3 months was hit by a drunk driver and seriously injured my back. I still persisted and adopted many animals all the while trying to figure out how to heal, afford the farm, and start this youth program. Nothing worked and I was in constant struggle. I walked away from the farm in 2012, I should say limped away because I was financially bankrupt, physically a mess of chronic pain and illness and emotionally I was heartbroken because I had to sell my beloved animals. It was then that I began my journey to self. Now 4 years later though the idea of animal assisted therapy is still wonderful, it is not my work. I found my calling (at least for now) and I am finding that I do not want to be responsible for animals or the work of a farm. I use to garden, preserve food and cook from scratch but these days I find myself not even wanting to cook at all. Who I am, is not who I was, and who I am now is not who I will be as I continue on this journey. I’m ever changing and expanding.

We can look at unachieved goals as a failure or we can see them as a learning opportunity. My memories from the farm are wonderful. I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned and how grateful for the experience I am. Every spring since then I can’t help but be amazed that just a few years ago I was helping goats and sheep with their births. I understand now why it didn’t work out, it was not where I was needed and it didn’t set my soul on fire as this work does. That realization has helped me to no longer view detour from the original goal as failure, after all isn’t life about finding out who we are and what really gets us?

Allow yourself to change, allow yourself to grow in all ways, and allow yourself to trust in what is happening. When we work so hard to manifest a particular outcome and nothing happens, trust that there are better things for you on the horizon. Know that your highest aspect has your back in all things, he/she is your spotter through life. Our job is to connect to the guidance and co create the world we want for ourselves.

I hope that this helps you to look at your life and manifestation in such a way that you realize that you have not failed, not even once. You are finding your way, moment by moment, step by step and there is nothing wrong with that.

Thank you to all who share this work. It means the world. Sending you all and myself all the love we can handle.

a message fromAnn Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

It is easy to love those who are loving and kind. It is not so easy to love those who trigger your pain, upset, anger, fear, and sadness. Nonetheless, even the denser, darker, and disagreeable souls serve a purpose in your life.

Their behaviors may be a reflection of something you are doing to yourself, or a call to be kinder and more loving to yourself. Are you surrounded by critical individuals? Perhaps you refuse to accept yourself kindly. Are you surrounded by those who are angry and rude? Perhaps you are angry and simply need to learn healthy boundaries, or to take care of yourself better. Maybe you are learning to move away from people and situations that hurt. Are others treating you with less than respectful behaviors? Do you respect yourself enough to move away from these?

Dear ones, when someone is hurtful, look at this and say to yourself...

'How is this individual's behavior highlighting a need to love myself more, to be more respectful to myself, or to treat myself more kindly?'

'What do I need to change inside of me?''What behaviors do I need to change to either communicate a desire for more love, to move away from unloving behaviors, or to love myself enough to avoid allowing their unkindness to shake me?'

'How can I use this circumstance to motivate me to create greater love and blessings in my life?'

Everyone serves a purpose in your life dear ones. The kind people assist you on your path, and the less-than-kind show you either where you have strayed from your path of love and joy, or where you do not want to go!

Bless them all, and thank them, if only soul-to-soul, for in truth, everyone on this earth assists you in discovering and creating more love in your life.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

Message From Ann

For the last few summers, I've avoided hiking in the forest for a really mundane reason. I'm horribly allergic to poison oak! A few years ago, after having several painfully uncomfortable breakouts, I decided to just stay away from it altogether.

This year, however, I was craving my summer time hikes. I decided to put fear aside, wear long pants, and simply be very careful to stay on the trail.

In the words of the angels, 'Of course you can hike Ann. Just stay conscious... and stay on the path!' I laughed. The angels never waste a chance to give me a life lesson. Stay conscious and stay on the path... good words for summer hiking, and for life!

So as I set out on my first summer time forest hike in years I told the poison oak, 'I don't like you but I'll respect you. I'll stay on path. Please stay where you belong too!' Of course everything went just fine!

I didn't miss the metaphor. I used to allow unkind people to pull me into the forest of their misery, rather than staying on my 'path' of joy. I used to allow angry people to pull me into debates, rather than staying on the 'path' of my truth. I used to allow critical people to pull me into thickets of confusion, rather than staying true to my inner compass.

In a way, those who insist on being chronically angry, fearful, critical, judgmental and unkind, are like poison oak. It's a beautiful plant, and they are beautiful souls.
Poison oak has a right to be, and a purpose in the forest of life, and so do they. While we all have our moments, and sometimes our darker seasons of life and growth, if a person chooses to remain angry, fearful, critical, judgmental and unkind, without seeking real help, they have a right to do so... and to learn the soul-level lessons that come with it.

However, I have a right to be loving, joyful, kind, and to expect the good in life. In order for us to co-exist in peace, I must remain conscious and stay on my path...

Practically speaking, if I try to create a kind and loving interaction with these individuals, but if I cannot, I create good boundaries, leave them alone, pray for them, and send them light. I ask God to 'illuminate and uplift their souls when they are open and ready.'

Here are a few pointers to 'keep you on path' when someone tries to share their 'poison'...

1. Remember, you both have a right to be

They can be negative. You can be positive. You don't have to change them and they should not be allowed to sway you. Listen to their perspective, acknowledge it, thank them for sharing it, but remain quietly centered in your own, more loving, truth.

2. Remember... Poison isn't personal

If someone is critical, mean, or nasty, its not about you. They're hurting and trying to share their pain. I pray for them and surround them with light. Remember this phrase... 'Your unkindness is not about me.' You don't have to say it out loud. Memorize it and think it when someone is not being nice.

3. Avoid the Poison if you can

If you already know someone is going to be negative or nasty, unless you must be around them, avoid them. While that sounds obvious, sometimes pity leads us to put ourselves in toxic situations. Compassion – understanding that life's journey is not always easy, and that everyone is learning and doing their best – is wonderful. Pity – feeling sorry for someone as if they are not a powerful soul here to learn and grow – is not.

4. Don't Absorb the Poison

There is a mistaken notion that if you're around someone negative you must feel it. You don't have to... Here are a few more tricks to avoid 'taking in the poison':

Send them love - imagine your light emanating from you, embracing them, filling their aura with light.

Drain it out - Point a hand towards the floor and intend to funnel any negativity aimed out you into the ground. Go outside, put your feet in running water, etc. Use nature or intention to drain their negative, static-y energy into the ground.

Remember, they are you... - In the deeper mystical understandings, we are all one... they are a part of your human family lost in misunderstanding and lonely sense of being unloved. Even though you may have nothing to do with them, you can shut your eyes and repeat this... 'I love you. I am you. Come into my light...' Either they will transform, leave you alone, or your attitude will shift to be more peaceful around them.

And... if all else fails, and you feel you've taken in the poison, get outdoors, take an Epsom saltbath, or put some salt in the shower. Nature nurtures and cleanses, and salt water cleanses the aura.

The Conscious Daughters Gamers Lyrics


Above all, as the angels remind us, try to see the 'poison oak' people and behaviors in your life as a gift. Bless them and learn from them. They're really just challenging us to stay conscious and stay on the path of love and joy!

The Conscious Daughters Members

Love you all!
Ann <!--EndFragment-->

Conscious Daughters Gamers Jobs

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

'>www.VisionsofHeaven.comConscious Daughters Gamers

Conscious Daughters Funky Expedition
